Book Review - The Hobbit

The HobbitThe Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I tried, but honestly, this book was awful boring and the characters mostly unlikable. I didn't like the dwarfs, or the way Gandalf treated everyone in sight. On top of that, Bilbo is written with a Frodo-like innocence at first, but there's not enough of an inkling of what a dark character he actually is.

Having read The Lord of the Rings, we all know that not all of Bilbo's actions were always kosher, yet, his deviousness appears to be underplayed at every given opportunity. Perhaps my view is somewhat coloured by the beatific on screen version that Peter Jackson put us through, but in all honesty, this book, despite it's curtailed length, didn't have enough pace and action to hold my interest at a stretch.

Also, all the characters fat-shaming the one dwarf to the point where he's pretty much ready to give up on life is a very uncomfortable read. I know this was written ages ago, but seriously, it just wasn't fun to read this.

Oh well, at least this book is off my to-do list.

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