20 Years of Star Trek: Voyager - S01xE11

Ensign Lestat's TV Log, 04/07/15

Heroes and Demons
J and B are transporting some photonic matter. They are hoping to study it but it will take too long.

Cap suggests Harry help, but he's disappeared. He was supposed to be on the holodeck, but Tuvok is not able to scan it. Some interference is affecting the system.

Whatever program Harry was in is still running, and now T and C have gone to investigate.

The program is a holo-novel of Beowulf.

Holo character Freya is blocking their path. But they can't delete her character. The safeties are likely to be off as well.

She describes Harry in the most beautifully eloquent fashion. Of course, she ruins it by saying he's been killed.

So, Harry was killed by Grendel. The old king is looking seriously worse for wear.

The body of Beowulf (Harry) has been dragged away by Grendel.

As it is the Captain is really fond of Harry, she looks really upset at the thought that he may have been killed.

Off topic - the Captain's new hairdo is fetching.

Looks like photonic energy leaked into several of the ship's systems. There's a chance Harry has been changed into energy.

Now Grendel is paying the away team a visit. This is not a good sign. Matter-energy conversion has been detected and now, the two of them are gone!

Tom looks shaken by the thought that the three crewmembers have been lost forever. He suggests another investigation, but not by them, by the Doctor.

The Doc looks stunned, but he's the best chance they've got. 'Think of it as your first away mission,' the Captain says reassuringly.

He's not convinced. He looks very tense. Kes has to assuage him, as always.

What a fascinating moment for the Doctor! He's never left the confines of Sickbay, never had to face a situation like this. He's understandably terrified.

Is it just me, or does Kes like a real-life Barbie doll? It's so disturbing.

I find it interesting that the Doctor is touching and smelling things - how does that work when he's just photons.

Doc has taken the name Schweitzer. And he's learning the art of improv very quickly.

The king's men are yet again attempting to battle the newcomer. Doc just uses his intangibility to his advantage.

Tada! Instant hero.

The poor King and his people, they're hoping for a stirring story of battle, and the Doc tells them about measles.

Looks like Unfearth cares not for the Doctor.

Wowsa! Freya has but one thing on her mind, and she's making it quite clear what she wants.

Too bad for the Doctor, a photonic energy formation is attacking him.

Hurry up and get him out of there, Tom.

Oh my God! The Doc's arm is gone. Tom looks way too disturbed to react.

Not too worry. His arm is now back. His magnetic cohesion was affected by the photonic form.

Tom looks stunningly stunning.

What did you say, Tom? Seriously hard to concentrate when you're looking like that.

The photonic matter from Engineering is now floating around the ship. Those energy masses are life-forms. It's trying to escape the ship.

It escaped into a huge ball of... photonic lattice.

Best guess is that the three missing crewmembers were converted to photonic energy and ended up in the proto-star lattice.

Captain's hypothesises that the photonic beings are fighting back because Voyager essentially captured some of their people.

The Doc suggests handing the remaining life-form back, as a gesture of goodwill. Doc volunteers to do this.

Freya is thrilled to see Doc again.

Unfearth does not believe the Doctor wants to help.

Wait, Doc is no good in a fight, so Freya defends him. It didn't work. Freya's been stabbed. Unfearth has taken the other photonic creature.

She's honourable in death. I think the Doctor is a little heart-broken. I love that a heroic woman died to save the man she loves. It's always too one-sided even in today's mainstream cinema.

Now Unfearth is framing Doc for Freya's death. But the Doc has a new found courage. He terrorizes Unfearth and gets back the photonic creature.

Grendel's here, and he's accepting the being. Come on, send us our crew back.

Looks like the first of Doc's fabulous negotiating skills are at work.

Yes! The crew are back. Harry's clueless about what happened.

The photonic aliens have now disappeared. This away mission has changed the Doctor for good. He's a whole new hologram now.

The Captain is amazing - she's including a commendation for him.

The Doc is so heart-broken, he has foregone the use of the name Schweitzer. What a pity.

As silly as this episode is, it is quintessential Star Trek fun, and the first Doctor episode we get.

